MBE Worldwide acquires a majority stake of logistics market place Spedingo
Spedingo is the first Italian marketplace able to meet the freight transport’s demands
“Thanks to the partnership with Spedingo, MBE will benefit from the unique synergies created between the MBE Network and the Marketplace platform”
Giuseppe Rudi, Chief Operating Officer at MBE
MBE Worldwide S.p.A., one of the largest third-party logistics, printing and communications service retail network in the world with 2,600 locations worldwide, acquired the majority share of Eurocubia S.r.l.
This start-up designed and created the Spedingo.com portal, an Italian marketplace platform that allows customers in need to move goods to connect with truck-owners that still have space available on their trucks.
The logistical services market is constantly evolving and characterized by an ever-increasing level of dynamism, thanks to the e-commerce and the introduction of new additional players in this industry. Today the logistics’ outsourcing represents 40% of the total logistical activities. There are around 97,000 companies operating in this sector with sales amounting to 80 billion euros in total therefore constantly growing and expanding. In this particular scenario and aligned with growth of sharing economy MBE Worldwide decided to open up its network to new opportunities within the shipments and eco-sustainable logistics markets.
Spedingo is the first Italian marketplace that thanks to its proprietary algorithm is able to meet the freight transport’s demands (such as: cars, motorbikes, relocation services, pallet, etc.) of private and small and medium-sized companies with the supply of truck-owners traveling with semi-empty or completely empty trucks, typically on their way back after their first delivery. The request for quote is completely free and, when submitted, it generates an online auction among conveyors having the available space (in cubic meters) on their vehicles.
The partnership aims to create a close collaboration between the Italian marketplace and the Italian MBE network, with over 500 MBE Service Centers distributed throughout the territory, with potential developments in other countries where the MBE network is already present. Giuseppe Rudi, Chief Operating Officer at MBE Worldwide S.p.A quoted: “The MBE mission has always been to facilitate the activities of business and private customers worldwide, offering customized and easy- to-access solutions, based on a unique level of service”.
Thanks to the partnership with Spedingo, MBE will benefit from the unique synergies created between the MBE Network and the Marketplace platform, in order to provide an added-value and an innovative service from a digital and environmental point of view to all of its customers.”
“We are delighted to be part of the MBE Group,” said Marco Tontini and Marco Tamanti, founders of Spedingo. “After having achieved significant results in the first four years of activity – with 700,000 online quotes and over 30,000 shipments carried out – we strongly believe that we can now enter a new and stimulating phase of development and international recognition for Spedingo thanks to the collaboration with the MBE global network.”