MBE Worldwide Group 2019 Results Announcement
MBE is proud to announce that in 2019 the “Three-brand, One Network” reached 2,600+ Service Centers in 52 Countries and €918 Million ($1.028 Million) of System Wide Sales.
“2019 was a great year for us”
Paolo Fiorelli, Chairman & CEO
MBE is proud to announce that in 2019 the “Three-brand, One Network” reached 2,600+ Service Centers in 52 Countries and €918 Million ($1.028 Million) of System Wide Sales.
MBE is proud to announce that in 2019 the “Three-brand, One Network” reached 2,600+ Service Centers in 52 Countries and €918 Million ($1.028 Million) of System Wide Sales. Furthermore, new Master Licensees (ML) agreements were signed to develop the business under the Mail Boxes Etc. brand in 4 new countries: Netherlands, Egypt, Singapore and Belarus.
“2019 was a great year for us” – said Paolo Fiorelli, MBE Chairman & CEO – “it again demonstrated that we can drive the entire group’s organic growth thanks to the great effort and commitment of both our local entrepreneurs and corporate teams. Furthermore, we just announced a definitive agreement for Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. to acquire up to a 40% ownership interest in MBE thus supporting our ambitious plans to further grow MBE competitive position, international presence and financial strength in the next few years.”.
“We’re announcing these great 2019 results in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic that is impacting personal and business life of us all” – continues Paolo Fiorelli – “the world is showing great resilience and it’s fighting a battle I’m sure we’ll soon win. MBE People are in the middle of it as anybody else and we keep supporting our customers while protecting our own people doing it.”.
The MBE Group’s specific retail presence uniquely positions the Network to function in the “last mile” between companies – both large and small – and consumers, especially when service customization and personal interaction are needed. Customers find convenience and efficiency in outsourcing business service needs to our teams dedicated to reliability, quality and satisfaction, which fulfil needs with the same diligence and pride as customers would for themselves, but using structured processes, professional technology and human
MBE‘s #PeoplePossible attribute embodies the MBE Global Network’s vocation of continuously finding new tailor-made, people driven solutions to meet customers’ daily challenges.