Our People

Fortidia is our shared identity. Our refreshed core values form the solid foundation of the group, reflecting the culture and spirit that drive our work each day.

'Fortidia - Mask

Those ‘Core Values’ are:

United in purpose

Our passion is infectious. With people 
powering people, and the best attracting the best, our circle of expertise grows ever stronger.

Courageous ambition

Bravery not perfection. Our drive for 
innovation pushes us to go beyond 
the expected. When it comes to 
achieving the best for our customers, 
there are no limits to our aspirations.

Power of perspectives

Our diverse perspectives embolden us. 
Seeing from different viewpoints opens 
more doors for possibilities.

Tenacious mindset

A marathon, never a sprint. We give 
extra care and attention to detail, 
while we stay focused on the larger 
and longer term impact we create 
for people and businesses.

United in Purpose reminds us that we thrive on passion and connection. Courageous Ambition reflects our drive to push beyond expectations and deliver the highest standards. Power of Perspectives emphasizes the strength we gain from diverse viewpoints and ideas, while Tenacious Mindset keeps us focused on lasting impact, with attention to quality and detail.

'Fortidia - Mask